17 Inspirational Stats to Encourage Social Selling

17 Inspirational Stats to Encourage Social Selling
  • Alen BubichJanuary 8, 2018

  • Social selling has been doing nothing but growing as more social platforms joined the web. Each year salespeople are getting better at using the data and opportunities available to bring in revenue and major sales.

    But it isn’t all roses for sale here. While the Internet changes everything, some people are still better at more traditional approaches to reach their quotas. They need help making the change by getting ongoing training that will help them embrace social selling like the experts.

    When your team isn’t already on board or they need an extra nudge these stats and encouragement will help to get them started.

    Social Media Helps You Meet Quotas and Overperform On Sales Quotas

    Social selling isn’t going away, and if you haven’t been able to make it work at your company, it’s time to get the help you need to train executives and sales reps to use this opportunity to its fullest.

    In our experience, the best way to learn is to get your reps to share what has worked for them and to encourage other reps to keep trying, like riding a bike you have to keep trying until it just works.

    Social Selling Encouragement For Finding Your Audience

    Everyone is on social media, and for a lot of them, you can find their conversations. It takes time to identify decent searches for keywords, as well as to find the right groups, etc, but once you do, the return is well worth it.

    These stats are incredibly encouraging because they show that the very prospects you want to engage with are on social media networks. It might take some time to find them and connect but you can put a face to a name and that’s a lot easier than it used to be.

    Get The Warm Intro, They Matter

    A friend once asked me for an intro to a blog he wanted to post on. I gave him the link to the site where he could find more information but he wanted an email intro instead. At the time I thought it was weird but the stats below explain why it isn’t and my friend knew what he was talking about.

    The odd thing about intros is we don’t even need to know someone too well, as long as we’ve had a short conversation before we can make the introduction. And they go so far in showing someone that we are vetted, we can handle their needs. So, make sure you ask for intros and give them when you can, you never know when they’ll come full circle.


    Social selling will continue to grow and evolve like all other aspects of the Internet. We are still in the very early and exciting stages. Everyone needs to get together and share what they know to help their sales teams and companies grow, and the results will be fabulous.

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